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CTF-Playground Writeup

This is a guide on each of the problems for CTF-Playground so far, thank you to our CTF-Officer Phillip for making this!


  • In this challenge, you need to find the answer contained in a text file. Download the file from the link below, find the answer, and submit it below.
  • Flag is found in the text file


  • In this challenge, you'll need to extract a hidden message (flag) from the image provided below.
  • Plugged into and found flag in the zsteg section

Airplane Friend


TrynFindme(Alt Version)


  • This is an odd image, is it hiding something?
  • Aperisolve in the zsteg section

Convoluted Text Hunt

  • A long, convoluted text file hides a valuable flag. Many false flags lie in wait, but only one is real.
  • Big text file put into cyberchef and use the From Base64 recipe to find flag



  • We found these odd numbers scribbled in one of the rooms in the ERB, I found N and E scribbled on sticky notes, can you decode this?
  • Use rsa decoder or write a script to decode the rsa or chatgpt

Vulnerable Program

  • You’ve been given a vulnerable .exe program. Can you figure out how to exploit it and reveal the hidden flag?
  • Program says you have a 32 buffer so I just held down a for longer than 32 times and flag was printed

Where’s Waldo

  • In this challenge, you need to analyze the provided evidence file to uncover hidden information.
  • You can find the flag if you look around for the red text

Hidden Bit

Hex protect

  • Uh oh, looks like my friend thought using multiple crypto algorithms meant he'd be safer! Show him it's quality over quantity!
  • Used cyberchef and got the recipe from there
  • Full Recipe

RSA Office keys

  • These three numbers from my office are suspicious. I found N and c scribbled on sticky notes at Bob's desk, and d at Alice's desk. Are my coworkers hiding something from me?
  • Use the rsa solver from dcode


  • In this challenge, you need to identify and exploit web vulnerabilities. Start by modifying the cookie to gain admin access to the embedded web application below.
  • You can inspect element to check what is needed
  • Once you make and change the cookie to the right thing the flag will be shown

Airport Criminal

You've Been Hacked!

  • You can use a variety of linux commands shown in the prompt
  • you can use ls to view inside of directories and folders!