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HackUTACTF 2024 writeups

HackUTACTF is a CTF mini competition that CSEC/HackUTA hosted together, CSEC was responsible for all the questions and problems! This was a short CTF so the writeups are pretty simple, they are meant to guide you, but not give you the answer blatently as in it's not listed here.


In this challenge, you need to find the answer contained in a text file. Download the file from the link below, find the answer, and submit it below. Flag is found in the text file


In this challenge, you'll need to extract a hidden message (flag) from the image provided below. Plugged into and found flag in the zsteg section

Airplane Friend

My friend is testing my skills again, he's sent me a photo of him on a window seat of a plane. Can you help me find out where he is based on the photo? Plugged photo into Google Lens and ended up finding a reddit post about a city and it was right


theres a contest to find out what's the name of that highlighted building, Google Lens it and found a reddit thread with a very similar picture From there I found the the plane and located the building across the street


This is an odd image, is it hiding something? Aperisolve in the zsteg section

Convoluted Text Hunt

A long, convoluted text file hides a valuable flag. Many false flags lie in wait, but only one is real. Big text file put into cyberchef and use the From Base64 recipe to find flag


Theres this really really long message, and it looks weird… Used a combination of CyberChef and to find the flag Full recipe


We found these odd numbers scribbled in one of the rooms in the ERB, I found N and E scribbled on sticky notes, can you decode this? Use rsa decoder or write a script to decode the rsa or chatgpt

Vulnerable Program

You’ve been given a vulnerable .exe program. Can you figure out how to exploit it and reveal the hidden flag? Program says you have a 32 buffer so I just held down a for longer than 32 times and flag was printed